7 Compliments a Man Wants To Hear

2 years ago

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7 Compliments Men Are Dying To Hear From You!

It can be tricky…

You want to pay a man a compliment but you don't know exactly what to say.

After all, you don't want to insult him accidentally.

And you know that complimenting a guy on his new set of high heels would be totally inappropriate.
In fact, ‘girl compliments’ will get you nowhere.

Well today I'm going to show you seven compliments men are dying to hear from you.
And I'm going to give you some understanding of why they work…

Hey this is Carlos Cavallo from datingfire.com and datingadviceguru.com.
Welcome back to the dating and relationship secrets you need to know…

If you've ever tried to compliment a guy chances are you may have had mixed results. Or you may have complimented a guy and it seemed like it went over well.

What gives?

Well the truth is that complimenting men isn't difficult. But it's a whole lot different than complimenting women.

You can't just hand out empty compliments about his appearance.

What men want to be complimented on are the subtle qualities that most people don't usually see.
Things like his personality, his skills, etc.

So let's jump right in with the first compliment.


"Wow, you always know exactly what to say."
This one is…

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carlosdatingguru

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