Will I ever regain my lifetime of trust and respect for Christians?

2 years ago

It was a few days ago I posted on Facebook about the Christian response to the covid lockdowns and Perry Trucker graced me with his presence and defended the Christian role

Unfortunately in haste, I deleted his comment.
In the video is my response

My Facebook Post

So, what happened to Christianity in Newfoundland during Covid?

Was there any persecution of Christians during Covid?

Did those the lost the Freedom of Assembly defend it?

Did the Christians in Newfoundland stand up against the government and fight for their God-Given Rights?

Did Christians defend those few that did stand up to defend their Freedom of Assembly?

When I look back on what happened in our Churches during Covid in Newfoundland I would have to say that the Churches didn't fight the lockdowns of Churches or the forced VAX-PASS.

They just went along with it and sadly many Churches encouraged the government’s overreach.

What happened should have caused outrage, however, most Christians stood in cowardly silence.

I can recall only one Pastor in Newfoundland that said [ No ] to the VAX-PASS for his congregation.

Some of the stories I heard of long-time faith believers and supporters of their local Churches being banned because they refused to let the government make a personal medical decision for them, left me with many unanswered questions.

Will I ever regain my lifetime of trust and respect for Christians?

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