Miles of Mayhem - DAY 2 - CANADIAN DRAG WEEK

3 years ago

Hey you rowdy cunts and kittens!! What if I told you that we had a new event in Canada called "Miles of Mayhem" that reflects Drag Week from the US? Well, look no further as we do now and I filmed it in legendary Tireroaster fashion and will be uploading it in 4 epic videos!! We're sorry to have missed day 1 due to technical issues with the car. We had some unreal good times at drag strips and parking lots across Alberta and Saskatchewan while meeting some unreal people with some amazing builds!! Please tag along on this epic adventure that I'm so happy I got to be a part of!! If you've got value out of my video, please leave me some feed back, subscribe to my channel, and share the good times with all of your friends and family!!!

#doitfordale #dragweek #foxbody #canada

00:00 Intro

05:00 At the track

08:52 My first pass

11:42 Funny shit

15:05 Road trip to SIR

16:57 Parking lot fun

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