Evil forces seek to play God, control people with sexual technology and agendas

2 years ago

Male is male, Female is female… we all should love ourselves the way we were created. They’re programming our children to believe they can switch from one gender to another with surgery, hormones and drugs.

Satanists worship Baphomet an evil transgender deity, Satanists want our children living in a inverted, upside down world, totally confused 🤔… this is why they’re constantly showing transgenders or gay characters on tell lie vision cartoons.. having pedo trannys visit Schools for “story time”.. men dressed up as women like it’s good, fun or funny… their plan is to feminise as much alpha males as possible, how? By using school books, animation, children movies, games, story time, programs etc.

Globalist demons want to gain control of this world is by taking out all alpha males, the ones who have been sent to protect this realm, once they can achieve this it will be a walk in the park to spread more evil and confusion while taking control.

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