Out of the Matrix Grid Nomad Life at Mount Shambala Portugal

2 years ago

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- Português na secção dos comentários.

Hola, this is the peace of Land i chose to Claim as Mine, which i actually dont own, so its for everyone, as long as People is Respectful, Righteous, Soulful, Heartful and Sane Minded. It's called Mount Shambala. Been cleaning and making it look Paradise. While i live here ill keep cleaning it, taking care of it, being respectful with It and with all the living beings here, other Humans, Animals, Insects, Plants. There are castles, medieval places, underground tunnels, rivers, parks, fountains, wells, villages and city at walking distances. Spanish border is around 1h away by car. I don't like to go to lands owned by other people, especially cause i lived embarrassing situations before and had to remove myself. Unfortunately some humans become too territorial, materialistic, egoist, bossy and with control manias when owning lands, houses, businesses, vehicles. But we can never forget that wherever we going after this, nothing of that is going with Us.

Instead of destroying, i prefer to Create. I was born and raised here. The memories i have from my childhood in this place are wonderful and i relive it everyday with joy. No one ever lived nor build here in more than 40 years, especially because there is too much rock and stones, but i don't mind working on it as long has i have my Freedom. Im patient and hope that if i leave other generations can keep taking CARE of this Wonderful peace of Mother Earth and Enjoying it. All good natured People are Welcome here to just enjoy Nature or to help somehow. People that don't contribute somehow should not tell me what, how and when to do things. When People want something done, they should do it themselves or humbly just ask someone else to do it or to help. Dishonesty, lack of Transparency and Fear are not welcome. Alcoholic, drug addicts and any people with other Spiritual Psychological or Physical health issues can come for healing. Po vaccines, egos and bad behavior stay out.

I accept donations, including for Healing, Fitness, Nutrition and Surviving Skills training i can Help with, independently of the kind, food, tools, money, etc. Im not picky, but please always add Love to it as its a main Source of Energy, and it should never be suppressed nor hidden. I have no limitations, this is a place for Freedom Respect and to elevate Consciousness to Higher Dimensions.

Contact me for any questions and before wanting to come as i have to be careful sharing the location. Im here now, but things might change anytime as i do miss people like me and don't know how long i can keep being "alone". Adam had Lilith and Eve. Purple the Cat wanted someone like him too. No being can really live "alone" with Himself, talking with GOD within for a long long time i think. It might be hard to keep a good overall Health, especially psychologically. Maybe i can as I Am already "Crazy", in the good sense of course.

For those that like to be completely naked in the wild, like me sometimes, even though im shy to be naked in front of others, especially mens. Please, i advise not to do it in front of other people that dont feel comfortable with that, especially children.

Im sharing this video on other platforms and will monitor the views and reactions for a period. The one that offers me more views and reactions is the one im going to keep, to save time.

Wishing all a Wonderful Divine Blooming Season. Let's all Create only what is Good. Be always Free, have Fun and Enjoy a Healthy Happy Long Life. Namaste 🌞💚🙏


Telegram - @Blueangel6969






Feel Health/Sente Saúde Video Link - https://odysee.com/@FeelHealth_SenteSa%C3%BAde:7/OffTheMatrixGrid_NomadLife_MountShambala_Portugal:4



Feel Health/Sente Saúde Video Link - https://www.bitchute.com/video/MVmpaKZq0yCC/

Feel Truther/Sente as Verdades - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/FJhL78Xuk5js/


Brand New Tube:

Feel Health/Sente Saúde - https://brandnewtube.com/@FeelHealth - Having issues uploading.

A ter problemas no carregamento do video.



Feel Health/Sente Saúde Video Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vf_CWiJ7EGs

Feel Truther/Sente as Verdades - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9siC4SVFYf1T7-pPPEMGXw (No content yet)

Feel Entertainer/Sente te Animador - https://www.youtube.com/channel

Versatiletec - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4iHVgI6JT3r5bhi9fAK-4A



Feel Health Group/Grupo Sente Saúde - https://www.facebook.com/groups/630803371404752


Will share Website asap.

Partilharei o Website o mais rápido possível.



PayPal UK: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78?locale.x=en_GB


PayPal EU: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/SenteSaudeFeelHealth


CTT Bank Portugal - IBAN - PT50 0193 0000 1050 6916 01305


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