The Warning Stands Clear | Let no Man Deceive You | Apostle Selman

2 years ago

There are people that have determined not to know God no matter what the scriptures say. He that comes to God must believe that God is and, also know that he is a rewarder of anyone that deligently seek him. Through the canning of men, the kind that have embraced a determination not to know God, the church has been crippled through their negative influence. Many genuine men of God have fallen prey to their deception and deserted their calling.

The scriptures warn against these times saying " A time will come when they will have no place for sound doctrine." That time is already here. There are many whose goal is to find fault in sound doctrine. They oppose anything projected towards the advancement of the church. Apostle Selman makes it evidently clear in this message. There's nothing you can do to anyone that has determined not change. Isaiah 52:2 gives the only anti dote to such people " Shake yourself from the dust and free yourself from the chains around your neck." That evil determination is a self imposed yoke that even the anointing has no permission to break. Only the bound can liberate themselves.
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