The Real Reason Barack Obama Visited the White House

2 years ago

[00:30] Jab Side Effects—An Open Secret (15 minutes)

A panel of sports commentators on a mainstream Australian television network recently discussed what could possibly be causing the rise in heart-related injuries among athletes. The analysts nervously connected the dots back to the launch of the COVID-19 vaccination program. One website that tracks these incidents reports that over 500 athletes have died since the COVID vaccine program began. Why isn’t there at least an investigation into what is causing young athletes to drop dead on the playing field?

[15:35] A Fourth Booster Shot? (10 minutes)

Anthony Fauci appeared on ABC News over the weekend to recommend a fourth booster shot to Americans. “[G]et boosted if you’re eligible to be boosted,” he said. “If you’re in the certain group like the CDC’s recent determination about people 50 and older, and individuals with underlying conditions, get that fourth boost.”

[25:30] True the Vote Exposes Voter Fraud (6 minutes)

True the Vote has been investigating voter fraud in Georgia and other states where election irregularities have clearly occurred. Reviewing security footage of drop boxes in Georgia, True the Vote found that some groups went to drop boxes an average of 23 times each. “What we’ve since learned,” said True the Vote investigator Gregg Phillips, “is that there were off-duty law enforcement officers, paid for by the Republican Party, that reported all of this. And [the National Republican Senatorial Committee] just covered it up.”

[31:45] Lee Smith Exposes Obama (8 minutes)

Epoch Times journalist Lee Smith wrote in a recent article that “Biden was the ideal ‘stand-in’ for an Obama third term. As long as Joe appeared to hold the top job, he wouldn’t mind if someone else was calling the shots.” Though you heard it first at the Trumpet, it is becoming increasingly clear to everyone in the media that Biden’s illegitimate presidency is, in fact, Obama’s third term as president.

[39:55] Bible Study: God Must Create a Clean Heart (15 minutes)

The Apostle Paul plainly states that all have sinned and all have incurred the death penalty as a result. What are we then to do as a result of this incurred penalty? In today’s study, we examine King David’s prayer of repentance and how God must be the one to create within us a clean, pure heart of obedience after His own.

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