FBI Guilty of Manipulating People Into Committing Crimes

2 years ago

[00:30] Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Was a Setup (37 minutes)

Last Friday, two of the four men charged with a conspiracy to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020 have been acquitted of the charges. What was intended by the left to be a case proving Donald Trump incited an act of terrorism by white supremacists has now become a naked exposure of how the FBI manipulated American citizens into committing a crime. “As much as Fox, Croft, Harris and Caserta were on trial,” wrote BuzzFeed, “so were the FBI and the Department of Justice.”

[37:30] Bible Study: Become Spiritually Clean (17 minutes)

Traditional Christianity would have you believe that Jesus Christ came to live a perfect life in our stead—and that we don't need to keep the law of God because Christ did it for us. But what does the Bible say? In today’s study, we examine how we are not to merely accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, but how we must also go on from there to walk in newness of life and become spiritually clean.

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