Mitch The Orgone Donor | Tactical Orgone Energy Devices, Healing Our Atmosphere and Reverse Geo-E...

2 years ago

Mitch The Orgone Donor, Environmental Alchemist, Orgone Innovator and Earth Healer, Joins me for a conversation about where this journey began for him, what he has realized and subsequently rethought since experimenting with Orgone, as well as how he is experimenting to re-harmonize our Earth's complex energy field and weather system in a DIY Eco-Guerilla Fashion that I truly admire. We discussed the intricate story of Wilhelm Reich and how his scientific research and experimentation gave way to many developments in the understanding of organic energy versus what Reich saw as parasitic energy, Mitch explained the Numerous misconceptions about Wilhelm Reich especially his connection to or rather lack of a connection to what some refer to as Orgonite which in itself also carries with it several misconception, which Mitch was quick to dispel and remind us that what he creates are more properly known as Orgone Energy Devices, there are several varieties of these devices. Mitch helped us understand and identify the energy weapons that are most likely candidates for the overall depletion of organic energy or Orgone in our environment which come in the form of weather technologies as well as communications technologies.

My Family Thinks I'm Crazy
Episode 145
March 9, 2022

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