Local Advice for Moving to DENVER | INTERVIEWS DOWNTOWN

2 years ago

LOCAL ADVICE FOR MOVING TO DENVER // Dont just trust Pete and Chelsea with Your Colorado Real Estate Family... in this video they interview other people who have moved to Colorado and what they have to say about the BIG MOVE to DENVER. Is it JOBS? Is it our Rocky Mountains? Is it the city? Watch this video and find out what local advice others have for moving to Denver. INTERVIEW STYLE!
On this Channel, we discuss everything you need to know about Living in and around Denver Colorado and its surrounding cities! Looking for places where you can live in or around Denver? From Lifestyle, Activities, Homes, Real Estate, the BEST Neighborhoods to move to, and everything about living in Denver Colorado or its surrounding cities, we've got you covered!

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Peter Sweeney (Broker) & Chelsea Sweeney (Operations Manager)

📲 303-542-0018
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