Phoenix James - MAYBE TODAY (Extended Version) (Official Audio) Spoken Word Poetry

3 years ago

Sometimes we fail to see the light
Maybe today it’ll shine bright
And maybe today we’ll find
Some peace of mind
Because only God knows
How long we’ve been trying
To see some sun shine
Through on the things we do
And who’s to say
Today we may see a way through
The troubles and strife
And even though every day life
Throws another roll of the dice
We learn to play our hand
Even when our cards ain’t nice
And we don’t quit
Even when our hardest hit
We stick to it
Because you can never tell how close you are
It may be near
When it seems so far
Everyone’s a shining star
With a capable chemistry to achieve
Anything they want to
If they believe
And I know it’s real
So I take it from here
Where I can feel
An energy
Propelling me
Telling me
To put it down for you
And I will too
Because all the things that affect me
Indirectly affect you
It’s true
And it’s enough to drive you round the bend
When you discover another ain’t really your friend
But still let’s get up and try again
My friends
We can’t let the negatives hold us down
No way
Let’s pick our dreams up from off the ground
And be not so easily swayed
By the troubles and the turmoils of the day
That seem to float through the air
Instead let’s ask ourselves the question
Why are we here?
And even though an equal amount
Simply just don’t care
Let’s be the ones to make a change
And turn things around this year
And next year
Without fear
Knowing where we’re going
Let’s keep this karma flowing
It’s mind blowing
To know that where the mind goes
The body follows
For the mind controls the body
And thoughts control actions
This is only just a fraction of my reaction
To a mother earth in serious contraction
For all I see is grief on the streets
In a city where hearts bear no pity
It’s far from pretty
And there sure ain’t no unity in my community
I’ve been seeing this since puberty
And it’s a real calamity
It seems as though we’ve forsaken all humanity
I see so many lose their sanity over vanity
So I pray for our rationality
As I sow these seeds
And plead that they won’t fall by the wayside
Because of pride
I look at men’s lives and feel uninspired
Because all I see is pain inside
And fear in their eyes
I think it’s about time we rise
And be extra careful not to get roped in
Because it’s so easy to adopt the wrong thing
That’s why I sing a song
And try to build a strong team
With a positive theme
So a positive future can be seen
Here’s hoping we all achieve our dreams
And my spirit is unrelenting
This is a manifestation of the faith that I was sent in
Which liberates me from my fears
So let all those that have ears
Because I see a future beyond the darkness
I never used to because it was never like this
It was dull but it’s brighter now
I see blue skies beyond the rain filled clouds
And yesterday
Did really end last night
Today’s a new day
And it looks bright
I think what i’ll do is take a vacation
And from now on
Look for the benefits in every situation
No longer being inpatient
Just being the best that I can be
And if you see me on the street
Or at the club
Greet me with enthusiasm
And love
Because even though my mentality
Rises up out of the ghetto
I’m still attached to the stem
Just like a rose petal
Hoping one day
I’ll be able to pass by the corners
And not see the brothers hanging out
Doing the same old things
Smoking and calling at the women
Every time they came about
But simply had a change of heart
And decided to make a new start
You say ‘but it’s hard in this life
And that
I don’t deny
But that doesn’t grant you the excuse not to try
I mean tell me why
Do some stall
While others just fly by
Some take a nose dive
Some fly low
And some fly high
Some are even petrified
So bless those who try
And those who take the time out
To work this rhyme out
Just to find out
What it‘s all about
Because every line counts
That’s why I wrote it down
And in the hope
That we should not be like lambs to the slaughter
I’ve led many horses to water
But never been able to make them drink
Hopefully this one’ll make them think
And begin to look inside themselves
And realise that there’s nothing missing
And that goes for you too, so listen
For as long as the stars glisten
Stay on your mission
And let no soul deter you from your ambition
It’s your decision
To be or not to be
Don’t let Mr and Mrs know it all
Control your destiny
And who am I
Giving you
The best
In me

Phoenix James is a London based writer, poet, actor, spoken word recording artist and producer.

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