fog of war - greater glory depends on the sovereigns - who judges truth

2 years ago

Russia is tremendously rich in resources and wherein national currencies are being degraded tremendously by the inflation or the economic war being brought on the world by Japan and USA the world resources in the Russia will be discovered to be a new basis for trades and exchange. The values of their infrastructures will be expanded by China and through a partnership endeavor the resources of Russia will be manufactured by China to create an enormous cooperative superstate. This will allow both countries to reach a level of higher standard of living and increase the size of the middle class in Russia .

The economic war has been conducted subvertly and controlled by Europe and the UK for hundreds of years through their oligarchic political foundations. With the USA and Japan being dismantled by the power of true value wealth the paper and fiat currencies that has provided the illusion of wealth will be withdraw and the theft that has occurred in the colonies will be rescinded and national ownership will be taken back.

Populist leaders in Third world countries as exemplified by South America will take charge of their countries resources. Through the combination of a strong China and Russia working in tandem to build a prosperous union India will supply the logistic and software interchanges and communication systems that will enable worldwide association and business. The initial revolutions of populist leaders will erase ill gotten debt and allow for proper and fair exchange to ensue between valuable allies offering fair compensation for resources.

The War of Resources will be directly in conflict with global corporations which will lose their financial and prized sovereignty as persons and come face to face with an empowered population of creative beings. Corporations will lose their rights to be above the law and will find their franchises rescinded globally within the matter of af ew years. Responsible parties will be affected and required to operate responsibly and ethically.

With the US military in disarray and the US recovering from the massive wars and loss of treasure along with the upsurge of prices and killing inflation which has attended to the society for 5 year the awakening will be swift and encompassing. Inflation will reach a height of 10% per month and then compound to a level wherein the value of the dollar is diminished and loses its status as the world currency.

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