Addiction. Is It Controlling You?

2 years ago

Addiction is the relationship between a person and an object or activity.

The object or activity becomes more important and everyday activities become less important.

Addiction is the struggle between acting on, or resisting an impulse.

We can become addicted to anything.

Drugs, alcohol, gym, food, shopping, gambling, are some of the more common addictions.

You can even be addicted to love!

When acting on these impulses we are in pursuit of a reward.

If you have an addiction, think about how it makes you feel.

Do you feel calm, excited, peaceful, high, energised, satisfied? Does it take away stress, fear or anxiety?

Know your unconscious mind is trying to HELP you when you are 'doing your addiction'.

You can help your subconscious mind to come up with strategies to replace your behaviour that give you the same feeling.

Ask yourself what are you running from?

Are you stopping yourself feeling, shame, guilt, anger, fear?

What are you unwilling to feel?

4 Steps To Freedom From Addiction

Feel Your Feelings

Process Old Grief

Change Your Beliefs About Yourself

Forgive Yourself

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