04.19.22 Women's sports and transgenderism. You wanted it ladies, you got it.

2 years ago

Feminism (that is, female supremacist ideology) spent decades doing everything it could to "smash the patriarchy". They forced their way into any all-male area of society they could find, and spent years telling anyone who would listen that "transwomen are real women" under the mistaken belief that male only spaces were meant to keep women down and that men had nothing but hate in their hearts for those who were not traditionally masculine. Now that men are simply saying they are women and tearing it up in the women's leagues, there is a hue and a cry to rail against these men (the trans') and calls for women to boycott their sporting events. I will not support any such attitude unless it is accompanied by an admission that the initial desire and act of removing and preventing male spaces from existing was a mistake. you cannot support the maintenance of women's only areas while simultaneously demanding female entrance into men's spaces. Concede you were wrong ladies or I say let the men continue to crush you at your own game.

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