Macaca .. Monkey Business

3 years ago

A story about Macaca Mulatta .. Monkey Business .. how we've come a long ways by first being told that (1) 'cases' are rising out of control (before lab tests were available, (2) cases are being confirmed by lab tests when lab tests were all unapproved yet we're all supposed to believe the lab test tallies 100% (3) that case counting (by way of positve lab tests) meant more deaths, when in fact positive lab tests actually served as a testiment to human's natural and 100% functioning immunity against coronaviruses of all kinds, (4) that we all now must fear a "delta variant" .. when in fact variants have always been around with such viruses as they have been nothing to be afraid of .. ( i.e. seasonal flu shots different every season .. whoopeee !!! our legit scientists all know about variants . nothing new .. nothing to be afraid of ..

In this presentation, if you so choose to finish viewing it from beginning to end, you'll clearly see that the vaccines, lab tests and covid all do not jive well whatsoever .. Please share this presentation if you have been enlightened with a brand new level of understanding of something that is actually fairly easy to understand. The fact that you understood this presentation substantiated the fact that you are not under mass scare, hysteria and hypnotic tactics out there .. that you are among the few who actually engaged in logical & educational thinking (rather than following blindly to obscure directives which continued to cause local , national and global collateral damages ... )

Please share and subscribe for truthful data ..
To buy me a coffee:
DYI: how to look up the vaccine death data:
VAERS DATA (where to query the actual vaccine related death data )

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