Gary Humble Says "We Need Real Fighters in Nashville" & Breaks Down "Transparency" Reforms

2 years ago

After watching this legislative session up close and personal, I agree with Gary Humble's assessment on the need for more Conservative fighters in Nashville.

In this interview, two freedom-fighters discuss the real root of corruption in the GOP, the unusually non-transparent "Transparency Bill" & Humble's bid to unseat incumbent State Senator Jack Johnson.

Readers be apprised: I invited Sen. Jack Johnson to do a fair interview also. As a policy, The Tennessee Conservative will be doing so with all challengers and incumbents so subscribers may hear both candidates. Stay tuned...

Now, this is an interview that only a few Tennessee Insiders will hear. If you want to be in the know, give it a watch or a listen.

Yours in Freedom,
Brandon Lewis, Founder of The Tennessee Conservative

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