What Impresses God?

2 years ago

Full Video at: https://youtu.be/ryiMd3PTujs

Being Great

Did you know that the applause of man does not impress God? Being popular among people does not mean that a person has God's approval.

Hello, I'm Clarence, I'm the preacher. So, what does impress God. Let's answer that question, starting right now.

God is impressed by the spiritual love that flows in a person's life. God is impressed by high moral values. God is impressed by sacrificial obedience. Pleasing God is not a mystery, and anyone can do it. It's really simply process to understand. Solomon said it this way, fear God and keep his commandments (Eccl. 12:13). Simple enough.

The greatness of a man is not determined by his wealth, but his integrity. Forget the approval of the world. Focus on the approval of God. True integrity may be a rare thing in our current culture, but this gives you an opportunity to be exceptional in the eyes of God.

Integrity is not just doing the right thing, but it is being incorruptible, honest, dependable, and reliable. If you would like to see more integrity in this world, then be the change you desire to see. First, perfect integrity in yourself, and then become contagious. In the process, you will definitely impress God.

Are you contagious in a good way? Do your family and loved ones look up to you as a model of integrity that inspires them? Does the light of your integrity shine in the dark places of life? We can make a difference, but we must first begin with ourselves.

Navy Seals are some of the toughest people on the planet. They are physically strong, but they are not the strongest people physically on the planet. What makes them so awesome is their internal toughness, their integrity. They developed soundness on the inside, they cultivated reliability and dependability that would not crack under pressure. They went through intense circumstances, purged out the dross, and became elite soldiers through the things they suffered. Our goal is to do a spiritual version of that, purge out the dross, and be elite soldiers that will not break under pressure, will not crack, but stay the course until our journey ends in victory.

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