Spinal Fusion Surgery Recovery - Relief 7 Years After Spinal Surgery

10 years ago

Spinal Fusion Surgery Recovery in 1 day. Spinal fusion, 7 years ago, caused weakness, numbness & tingling in both arms and right leg after the spinal fusion surgery. Relief on the first chiropractic adjustment. He had a foot drag and unable to do a calf raise on the right foot after the surgery too. After the first visit with Dr. Ekberg Mr. Orza saw improvements. He can now do a calf raise and the weakness, numbness, & tingling are greatly reduced. See what Mr. Orza has to say.

Authentic, Unpaid And Unrehearsed Interview With An Actual Patient of Dr. Sten Ekberg, Chiropractor Patient Name: Anthony Orza Diagnosis: Cervical Fusion C2 to C5

🔷 Watch more patient testimonials: Heart Palpitations After Eating https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLtmXnJegTg&list=PLpTTF6wMDLR72UVlcimPpXDUkDvda8Mgy

Your Cumming Chiropractor, Dr Sten Ekberg
Wellness For Life Chiropractic
3480 Keith Bridge Rd
Cumming GA 30041
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