Golden State Has A New NUCLEAR WEAPON

2 years ago

Down by 8 in the second quarter, Steve Kerr pulled the ace out of his sleeve and went ultra small, reminding us of that legendary death lineup that Golden State had a few years ago.
The result was a 22-6 run in just 5 minutes, to completely turn things around and take control of the game that they kept until the end.
The Warriors with Curry, Thompson, Poole, Wiggins and Green so far have been unguardable, and the statistics are hard to believe.
So let me show you what makes them deadly. What up everybody, my name is Stefan and this is Heat Check. Let’s get into it.
Having Draymond as the center setting a high screen for the best shooter in NBA history, and with 3 other great shooters spread out on the perimeter, means that Jokic is left on an island picking his poison between the 3 or the drive.
Steph blows by him, and the help defense is reluctant to fully help off of the shooters and you have an easy layup.
Again, with Klay backing down the much smaller Morris on the block, if we stop it here, we see that he can take his time because everyone else is a knockdown threat, except for Draymond of course, but a help off of him would leave him with a straight line to the basket and probably a dunk. So, Thompson has this opportunity just for himself and uses it.
And to avoid another situation like that, if we stop it right here on the Klay screen for Curry, you see that Morris wants to stay on Steph, but he’s already too far behind so this would have been an open shot. Gordon has to jump in and switch, and the poor defensive communication allows Klay another easy layup.
So now take a look at the insane numbers.
During the first 2 games, this lineup has played together only about 6 minutes per game but this has been the most efficient group for them by far, scoring 23.5 points per game on 77.3% from the field and 87.5% from downtown.
The Nuggets are not a defensive juggernaut as it is so they’ve really had trouble handling this 5 men group.
The key to being able to play these guys at the same time is of course Draymond’s unique ability to guard much bigger fives than him.
As we roll this highlights, just check out the fight that he’s showing against what’s probably going to end up being the MVP in Jokic.
Some of these shots are heavily contested, making things very difficult for Nikola.
Of course, you can not completely stop the serbian, especially as an undersized big man, but you can see the phenomenal defensive effort that Draymond displays is making a huge impact during these minutes of small ball for the Warriors.
All in all, we see that Steph and Klay are getting into a nice rhythm and Poole can be the X-factor that they’ve hoped that he can become.
So in a situation like this, although I had them in 6 games, I’m afraid that this series might turn out to be a shorter one, as the Warriors are getting back to their early season form again.
Let me know in the comments what do you think? Are they finally back? Or can the Nuggets even things out on their home court?
That’s it for now, subscribe and talk to you in the next one. Peace out.

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