Group Up

2 years ago

Group Up! What? Huh?? Why? Well… Are we slipping into being very isolated people? Isolating, it is so easy to do in times such as these. We have to push ourselves out of our comfort zone and start “Grouping Up” with others. It can be as easy as asking a few friends over for lunch. It is so important to us as an individual to be a part of a group. Like the Bible so wisely says: “iron sharpens iron”! We need other people to make us better people. If we want to be the best we can be, the influence of other people, being a part of a group where people are speaking their life experiential wisdom into our lives is a good thing. Even in our online social media I see a lot of self-isolation. Have you noticed in times such as these that we get much more private message chat offers than we do people joining our online group? Why Group Up? Well…There is truly safety in numbers. It is harder to hide who you are when there are others to be accountable to. It is more likely we will take off our facades when we group up. God created us for friendships and we are so much better human beings when we are together with others. Being with others, we get encouragement, wisdom and counsel and we learn from each other. God planned it that way. He never created us to be isolated from others. God is teaching each of us something and when we dare to share it, we become better people. Doing life together, this is the best way to do life. Loving others, coming alongside of others, forbearing with others, and creating a group of friends who have your back. Life is good when we group up together. What are some things you like to do? Do you like golf? Group up, invite some friends to play with you. Do you like to ride bikes? Group up, be creative and schedule a ride and then invite others to come. Do you like the beach? You know I do… that is obvious. Ask some other people to come walk the beach with you. If you want to go see a movie, ask a group of people to go with you. Group Up. Some of what you are doing alone, it would take little effort on your part to make a group of it. This is the best way to do life… together. I hope this for us. Together is better. No more isolating, step outside of your comfort zone and group up! Dig Deeper:

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