Easter Sunday- 4/17/2022 at Community of Faith Church Virtual Campus @ COFTV.COM

2 years ago

Today, on Easter Sunday, Pastor Troy wraps up our series with Part 5 of our 5 Part series MICAH-LIVE HUMBLY, we will hear from the prophet Micah. This year as a special Lenten & Holy Week Series we are looking at the heart of God, which is for us to Love God and Love One Another. These are listed as a compound deal with God. Just a hint at what we will find! We find that God wants our love, but He expects that love & respect to be paralleled with our love & care for one another and for the world around us. When we fail to do so, He will correct us, and in the end His plan will come to pass, and He will offer His love in the form of Hope, Grace and Mercy to all who will acknowledge Him and Live Humbly before Him— with or without us.

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You can also check out our On the Dock with Pastor Troy Podcasts, which drop on Tuesday & Thursdays for another way to get connected to great conversation, teaching and discipleship. You can go to www.onthedock.org to find our viewing platforms. We recommend YouTube as our primary channel, and we suggestion you subscribe and hit notification so you don't miss an episode. But we also have links to our SPOTIFY, I-TUNES, FACEBOOK, RUMBLE, SERMON.NET & ROKI channels. You can also check out our social media sites at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Telegram.

On the Dock with Pastor Troy YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsIZabtM_GoJFuMJuL8Wvrg

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