2 years ago

Short news flash to reveal the depths to which American "justice" has sunk.
The C.I.A. is one of the most well equipped to deal with this sort of thing, especially in conjunction with the F.B.I. and select help. There is an element within both agencies which are in collusion with tyranny, much like Hitler orchestrated his insidious agenda (changing laws to suit the totalitarian takeover), but a remnant of genuine Patriots remain, and irrespective of either, threats against liberty, freedom, functionality, and so forth, upon anyone at all, is unacceptable.
One help for investigators checking out potentially dangerous- volatile issues is
Be it known that there are, to my knowledge, three main venues by which dissenters against tyranny are dealt with: intentionally endangering them, either realistically or via manufacturing an artificial environment of danger/ risk and then coercing them into a "protection" program; murdering them and/or friends/family, or; demeaning, castigating, blackballing and/or blacklisting (as well as various misused of digital technology).

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