Summary of planet change document

2 years ago

Summary of planet change document -
Feb 2010

Listen to the world as she speaks to your inner mind of the danger of creating form in an unbalanced and unenergized state of being. The grids are in flux upon the earth and they need to be held in harmony and relieved of overt tension to become cleansed and receive the light from above. As you mind is aware of the growing opening vortexes it also feels the crushing weight of the tangential static which is causing the desperation and panic among the ones caught this in the opposing forces in the polarized field.s As you are oblivious to the higher energies attempting to reach you through the veil there is an opening of the tunnel which must be made manifest so you may ascend beyond the level of this disturbance and become tuned to the higher level harmonics.

All is centering within the spirit of the moment. This now is ever expanding and is infinite in its creative construction as a hyper-dimensional portal. World events create a new balance within the realms of the third dimensional physical manifestation focus an activity of realization and manifestation of the harmonious to the on rushing waves of fifth dimensional integration. Eternal essence passes along fundamental currents enhancing all matter with increase in potential energy.

Light is the energetic foundation and subservient character of existence engaging perception of consciousness beyond the veil. Light overcomes the weight of restrictions that are placed upon your frequency do require a constant source of power which comes from the root of kundalini.

The Dark masters who have returned the wayward Atlanteans to power are now seeking to the destruction of the United States of America. Washington DC has become infested with the forces of darkness which are capable of any feats of genocide and global destruction of the planet.

What is the current power play of the administration? The Unseen are leading them to what goal? Who are we following at this point?

There has come to you world now the forces of darkness which seek to turn backwards into the setting sun the hands of the crow and the raven with the clan of the spider. You are here to spark forth the dream of the eagle and to walk to the lands of the noble ones.

you have entered into the vortex of the Sirian Doorway. Once past the Pleiadian threshold you are quickly feeling the draw of the energy of transformation. There is a general awakening of lightworkers to the need to establish the frameworks of manifestation and align with the pillar of light coming through this portal. As your sun moves closer into alignment with Orion and Sirius there is the heating up of energy and the continuation of the streams of information coming to the world.

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