RPG Maker Video Challenge! (Win MZ/DLCs) & Help Promote RPG Maker | RPG Maker News #100

3 years ago

RPG Maker News is news content for RPG Maker users, by a user.
Sharing new resources, plugins, tools, tutorials, game releases, and anything else that's relevant & interesting to RPG Maker users.

RPG Maker News for Date: July 17th 2021
Animations: Pixel Effect - Buff (Paid)

Character Art: Character Illustration Collection by Jiro [Download all by clicking 'Source Code (zip)']

Game Jam: Submit a 10-60 second gameplay video of your RPG Maker game on twitter, with this hashtag #ツクール動画チャレンジ
And Gotcha Gotcha Games will select some submissions and use them to promote RPG Maker. (Developers of selected videos will get either a free MZ, or MZ DLCs.)

Music: 5 Combat Tracks

MZ Plugin: State & Buff Name Popup

MZ Plugin: Have Certain States Reflect Damage

---Other Small News/Updates---

Tutorial: 4 Ways to make a Game Jam Game Fast

Generator Parts: Gobbo Female Addon

Tileset: Nature & Farm (Paid)

#RPGMNews #RPGMaker #gamedev #indiedev #indie #freeassets
00:00 Intro
00:10 Animation & Character Arts
00:21 Game Jam
01:08 Music & MZ Plugins
01:31 Outro
~ Everything covered in this news is recorded into the following spreadsheet:

~ Follow this RPG Maker News on other social medias:
You will find all the links in the linktree above.

~ Intro/Outro Music by D.WaxTerK

~ Want to help keep this news running every single day?
Then pledge on Patreon:
(And thank you, thank you thank you thank you... to those who already have. Because it DOES help.)

~ And do join the discord:
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/hVVdm5Z
The server is called 'AAAA vs. RPGM'.
Since we're mostly solo developers, up against the Quadruple A game industry... with just RPG Maker by our side. ( ̄▽ ̄)

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