Just Add These Three Ingredients To Your Shampoo And Say Goodbye To Hair Loss Forever

6 years ago

A simple way to take care of your hair and strengthen it is with proper treatment. In this video we will explain how to make your own anti hair loss shampoo, with natural ingredients.

Your hair plays a big part in the first impression that you give people. When it’s dry and lifeless, you look sloppy.

Worrying about your hair isn't exclusive to women now a days. Men have started looking for ways to improve their appearance and health.

Regardless of the size, color and type of your hair, one thing is certain: making it look good isn't easy. There are several factors that can influence your hair's health and and beauty, such as:

- Sun;
- Environmental pollution;
- Lack of vitamins;
- Use of chemicals;
- Genetics.

Currently on the market you can find several products to treat your hair. Some of them may actually help, but most of these products are full of chemical substances, that could harm your health.

In today's video, we're going to teach you a great recipe that'll help stop your hair from falling out, make it shinier, healthier and more resistant, in a natural way.


- 10 drops of rosemary essential oil;
- Shampoo with a neutral pH;
- 2 vitamin E capsules;
- Half a squeezed lemon.


Pour all the ingredients into the shampoo bottle.
Once that is done, put on the lid on and shake it until it's evenly mixed.
Then, all you have to do is wet your hair and use the shampoo.
Coat your hair in it, from the roots to the tips.
Massage your scalp and let it sit on your hair for 10 minutes.
Last, rinse your hair with warm water.
Due to the lemon, only use this remedy at night, and avoid sun exposure the next day.

Just to be safe, before using this shampoo, do an allergy test: apply a small amount on your skin and wait a few minutes. If you don't notice any irritation, you can use it with no problem.


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