Improve Your Digestion Naturally With This Homemade Syrup

7 years ago

Everyone experiences digestive problems at one point in time.

This syrup is intended to be a help in getting rid of those digestive problems that cause so much discomfort or pain.

Some of which may be an upset stomach, gas, diarrhea, cramps, or general stomach pain.

You will need the following ingredients and amounts to make this homemade syrup:

- 2 lemons
- 3 Ceylon cinnamon sticks
- 5 teaspoons fennel seeds
- 2.5 teaspoons lemon balm leaves
- 1 tablespoon ground turmeric
- 1 tablespoon of ground ginger
- 2.5 tablespoons of mint leaves
- ½ cup honey
- 1 liter of water

Each of these ingredients has benefits which, as a combination, make this syrup so effective.

Lemon is used for leveling out the stomach’s acidity and causing fats which have been eaten to be digested easier. Because of this lemon is good for making the stomach feel lighter when upset, and for fighting heartburn. Use organic lemons as non-organic contains pesticides and other chemicals.

Ceylon Cinnamon fights gases in the stomach, helps to balance out blood sugar levels, and prevents ulcers caused by too much acid in the stomach. Blood sugar is what makes one feel either very tired or very hyper if it is imbalanced, and ulcers are holes in the stomach lining. Ceylon cinnamon is grown in Sri Lanka, Madagascar and the Seychelles. Make sure to avoid cassia cinnamon, which is the common type found in grocery stores, as it can cause liver damage if used too often or in too high of a dosage.

Fennel prevents constipation which is when the stomach cannot empty itself without difficulty or pain. It is also a remedy for inflammation of the digestive tract, and helps to stop stomach gases.

Lemon balm is a plant used to treat what is known as ‘psychosomatic digestive problems’. These are problems that are caused in the digestive tract by emotional stress or overload. It also prevents bad breath, indigestion, and gas. The lemon balm is found in health food stores or alternative health stores.

Mint is used in easing stomach bloating (puffiness) and gas, as well as relaxing the stomach muscles. It can also treat acid reflux which is a burning pain felt around the lower chest area, caused by stomach acid flowing back up into the food pipe.

Turmeric builds and strengths the functions of the liver and gallbladder. The liver is responsible for breaking down fats and carrying waste away, and the gallbladder stores and emits bile as the body needs it. Ginger is used to make digestion better, fight nausea, and help to discharge stomach juices that help with digestion. It is also used for strengthening the immune system.

To make this syrup:

1. Place the cinnamon sticks and fennel seeds in a saucepan with the liter of water, and let it boil for 10 minutes. 2. After this, turn the heat off completely and add the lemon balm, mint, turmeric and ginger. 3. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes and then strain it. 4. Mix the two lemons with the strained infusion. Include all of the lemon, even the peel, by using a peeler. After this, strain the mixture again. 5. Now boil the infusion again and add the honey. You should put this mixture on very low heat and leave it for half and hour. 6. Let the syrup cool down and then pour it into a glass jar. After this, place it in the fridge. The mixture has a shelf life of two weeks, in the refrigerator.

In order to treat digestive problems we should consume the syrup in the following ways:

- 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach.
- 1 tablespoon, mixed with hot water or on its own, half an hour before eating lunch.
- 1 table spoon after lunch.
- 1 tablespoon, mixed with hot water or on its own, half an hour before dinner.
- 1 tablespoon after dinner.

People who don’t suffer from digestive problems, but who want help digesting their food when they’ve eaten too much, can also drink this syrup.

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