How to Stop Hair Fall and Grow Hair Faster

7 years ago

Have you noticed that your hair has been falling out more than usual? Hair loss is one of the most common problems associated with physical appearance in the world. It affects both men and women.

Fortunately, there are natural ingredients that if applied regularly, bring several benefits to your hair, without causing adverse effects.

Here's how to make your own garlic oil at home and end hair loss in a few days:


2 large garlic cloves;
8 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil.


Put the ingredients in a pan on the stove and heat them up. Don’t let the olive oil and garlic reach a boil. You should just warm them up. When you start to smell the oil, take the pan off the stove. Let the oil cool down and store it in a dark glass.

Don’t use it on the same day of preparation. Wait for 24 hours.

You can apply it twice a week.

Outside the refrigerator, this oil lasts one month. Refrigerated it may last up to two months.

Rest assured that your hair will not smell like garlic!

That’s because you will apply garlic oil to the hair (the entire length of the hair) for only two hours. Then wash it well with shampoo and conditioner.


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