Natural Alternative to Botox That Really Works

7 years ago

Natural Alternative to Botox That Really Works

Coffee is a delicious, hot beverage that helps to deliver an early-morning punch. However, it is also highly beneficial to the body’s skin. Today’s videos will discuss the benefits that coffee has on skin.

1. Softening

A coffee-cocoa face pack can be made at home and will leave your skin feeling soft and supple. Mix two spoons each of cocoa powder and ground coffee. Then, add three spoons of milk and a spoonful of honey. If skin is oily, it is recommended to use yogurt instead of milk.
Now, apply the mixture directly to the face. Leave on for about 30 minutes and wash off with water.

2. Exfoliating

The texture of coffee grounds help to remove dead skin cells and toxins from the skin. It also helps to prevent dry skin. Make a scrub out of a half of a cup of brown sugar, a half of a cup of ground coffee, and a quarter of a cup of olive oil. Mix well until a paste forms and apply onto face. When done, wash your face and apply moisturizer.

3. Treating Dark Circles and Puffy Eyes

Coffee can help to reduce the appearance of puffy eyes and dark circles because it contains anti-inflammatory properties. It is important to note that dark circles and puffy eyes can be caused by many different factors, such as dehydration, allergies and sleep deprivation. The caffeine in coffee cannot remove dark circles that are caused by hereditary factors.

4. Reducing Cellulite

Since the caffeine in the coffee dehydrates fatty cells, it reduces the appearance of cellulite and smooths the skin. Research has shown that skin creams that list caffeine as an active ingredient are approximately 17% more effective in reducing cellulite appearance than products that did not contain caffeine.

Make a body scrub by mixing together coffee, pure aloe vera gel and Vitamin E oil. Be sure to use a 2:1:1 ratio when measuring the ingredients. Apply the mixture directly onto your skin. For best results, it is recommended that the coffee is finely ground.

5. Tightening of the Skin

The caffeine in the coffee can reduce the appearance of fine lines around the face and tighten skin. Caffeine can even prevent cancerous cells from forming in the body.

6. Anti-Oxidation

Coffee is high in antioxidants and therefore can help repair sun damage by harmful UV rays. Applying coffee onto the skin will provide an effective layer of protection from the sun’s harmful rays.

7. Anti-inflammation

Coffee can help to remove redness and swelling in the face and skin. Research has shown that on rats, coffee is comparable to aspirin in regards to reducing puffiness.

8. Brightening of the Skin

Coffee can help protect the body from viruses, bacteria and fungi that can harm your face and skin. Simply mix coffee grinds and Epson salt into warm water and then wash your face with the mixture. Then, use these same coffee grinds to massage and exfoliate the skin.

A face mask is particularly helpful in rejuvenating and repairing the skin.


½ cup coffee beans, ground
½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 cup unsweetened whole or almond milk
1 tablespoon lemon juice (use olive or almond oil for dry skin)
1 tablespoon honey (lemon juice for oily skin)


Combine coffee with cocoa powder.
Add into the milk and mix until a paste is formed.
Gently fold in the honey and lemon juice.
Apply mask to face.
Let mask set for 20 minutes and then rinse.

It is recommended that the coffee be finely ground coffee. Also, the mask mixture can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Have you used coffee for any of these unusual skin remedies? Let us know in our comment section.


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