The Magic Salt Sock: Natural Relief for Ear Infections

6 years ago

Salt’s a condiment that’s frequently used in the kitchen and has many health benefits due to its healing properties.

It’s thought to be one of the oldest natural antibiotics and is used often in traditional Chinese medicine.

One of the ways it can be used is to treat earaches.

It’s quite simple.

All you need is:

1 white 100% cotton sock;
Organic sea salt.

The sock has to be white and cotton because colored socks made with synthetic materials can release unwanted substances or even melt when subjected to heat. The salt has to be sea salt because if it was any finer it would get all over the floor.


Put half a cup of salt in a frying pan and let it heat for a few minutes or until it starts to pop.

Turn off the stove and pour the salt in the sock, tie it in a knot and let it cool slightly before putting it in your ear and leaving it there for about 20 minutes.

Other way to do it is to put the salt in the sock and tie it in a knot before heating up the whole sock in the frying pan. Repeat this several times a day if necessary, and you can reuse the salt 3 or 4 times. It should not be used to cook with afterwards.

The heat will help lessen the swelling and pain, alleviating your earache.


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