10 Powerful Natural Painkillers Found In Your Pantry

7 years ago

Many people use painkillers every day to soothe sore muscles and body aches. Yet, over-the-counter and prescription painkillers can take a toll on the body. Research has shown that these drugs are addictive and overuse can cause very serious damage to the body’s liver, intestines and kidneys. It is for this reason that many people are turning to natural and holistic ways to soothe pain. Today’s video will discuss ten different all-natural painkillers that are found in most every kitchen across the world.

1. Ginger

Ginger root has the ability to fight inflammation and pain. It is highly effective in treating arthritis and joint pain. Ginger can be consumed in a tea, a smoothie or used to cook with. While ginger is highly effective and has many health benefits, some may be sensitive to it, so it is recommended that it is slowly added to the diet.

A great recipe using ginger is pain relieving ginger chai tea.


2 cups water
2 teaspoons dried black tea leaves
1 inch ginger, peeled and grated
2 cardamom pods, lightly crushed
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
½ cup almond milk (or any other mind of your choosing)
2 teaspoons honey
Combine water, ginger, cinnamon and cardamom in a pot and bring to a boil.
After ten minutes of boiling, add black tea leaves and simmer for another one to two minutes.
Remove from heat.
Add almond milk while stirring constantly.
Strain and sweeten with honey.

2. Turmeric

Historically, turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for many purposes, including to fight pain and inflammation. Turmeric can be used to flavor dishes. It can be added to a smoothie, tea or juices.

3. Garlic

Garlic has been used for many years to help fight off tootaches, arthritis pain and ear infections. Garlic oil is the best way to obtain the health benefits of garlic and it is simple to make at home. Simply simmer three crushed garlic cloves in ½ cup of olive oil for two minutes. Strain and refrigerate for up to two weeks. To use the mixture, warm some of the solution, then gently rub it onto aching joints.

4. Chili Peppers

Hot peppers contain a compound called capsaicin, which not only gives peppers their heat but also lowers the main signals in the body that travel to the brain. Capsaicin can effectively treat fibromyalgia, migraines, shingles and joint pain. While not necessarily pleasant tasting, consuming three teaspoons of cayenne pepper in one glass of water will give instantaneous relief.

5. Cherries

Cherries contain anthocyanins, which cause cherries to fight pain and inflammation. Thus, cherries are a delicious way to treat gout, headaches and arthritis.

6. Cloves

Cloves can effectively treat and soothe a toothache or gum pain. Taking a clove and chewing on it will result in painkillers being released. However, clove has a strong taste. If more desirable, tea can be made from cloves instead.

7. White Willow Bark

White Willow Bark was used by the ancient Greeks in order to soothe pain. The active compound in this bark is called salicin and it is has the same effect on the body as the synthetic aspirin that is presently on shelves in stores. Willow bark can also be found in powder form, in herbal teas or in capsule form.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

One ingredient that is a jack of all trades is apple cider vinegar and relieving pain and inflammation is no exception. Apple cider vinegar can treat and heal heartburn by alkalizing your body. Consume one glass of water with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar added to it before or after your meal to relieve heartburn.

9. Blueberries

Blueberries have the ability to combat bacteria in the urinary tract that causes infections. This is because they contain tannins, which are bacteria killing compounds.

10. Magnesium-rich Foods

Magnesium is essential to the proper functioning of the body. Yet, more and more people display signs of a magnesium deficiency.

Have you tried any of these natural remedies? Did you experience relief? Let us know in our comment section.

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