6 Ways To Lighten Your Hair Naturally At Home

7 years ago

One of the biggest beauty craves is dying hair to appear fresh, young and stylish. Yet, hair dye is full of harmful chemicals for your hair and your lungs. Instead, we will discuss some natural ways to lighten your hair that is much healthier for your body.

1. Chamomile Tea

If chamomile tea is not accessible, feel free to use regular, black tea, as it gives comparable results. First, brew a pot of very strong tea for at least one half hour. Let it cool and then add 5 to 6 tablespoons of the tea to your hair conditioner. Leave for ten minutes. Now, after shampooing as normal, add the conditioner mixture to your hair. Leave in a few minutes then rinse out. Results are gradual, so repeat this for several weeks before seeing visible results.

2. Honey and Vinegar

Honey and vinegar can also naturally lighten your hair. Simply mix together 2 cups of vinegar, one cup of raw, organic honey, 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon or cardamom. After mixing thoroughly, add mixture to your hair. Wrap your hair in a towel or plastic wrap and let it remain overnight. Rinse out thoroughly in the morning.

3. Lemon

Simply mix two parts lemon juice to one part water into a spray bottle. Spray it on your hair and then enjoy the sun for several hours. This will naturally bleach your hair. However, it will also dry it out so be sure to use conditioner in your hair, as well.

4. Henna Powder

Henna powder can be mixed with dried chamomile powder to make a thick paste. Then, mix with boiling water and, once cooled, add to your hair. Wrap your hair in a towel or plastic wrap and then leave for at least one or two hours.

5. Cinnamon

Simply add about a half teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a handful of your conditioner and run into your hair thoroughly. Then, wrap your hair with a towel or plastic and leave in overnight. Rinse out in the morning and you will begin to see results.

Have you tried any of these natural ways to dye your hair? Which method worked the best for you? Continue the discussion in our comment section.

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