This Drink Will Speed Up Your Metabolism and Help You Lose Weight

7 years ago

One of the hardest journeys to begin and remain on is a weight-loss journey. While it all seems quite simple on paper, it is not in real-life. When you begin to see results, you feel hopeful. But, then things usually slide when you get comfortable and the weight loss slows, or stalls altogether. Today’s video will discuss using the combination of lemons, honey, cinnamon and warm water to flush out toxins, to improve digestion and to stimulate your metabolism. It will also help to keep you hydrated, which is of the utmost importance when trying to lose weight.

What you will need:
1 tsp. Cinnamon powder
½ lemon, juiced
1 tbsp. Honey
1 glass of warm water

Making this drink could not be easier. Simply take your glass of water and stir in the cinnamon. Then, add lemon juice and honey and stir until fully mixed.

It is recommended to consume this drink in the morning for best results. You should begin to see results soon.

However, it is also highly recommended that you speak to your doctor before adding any homemade remedies to your daily regime. Resist the urge to buy diet suppressants at your drug store. While they may cause you to initially lose weight, it will be gained right back and they are detrimental to your health.

Are you, or is someone you know, on a weight-loss journey? Give this drink a try and let us know your results! Continue the discussion in our comment section.


Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.

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