Eat 1 Tsp of Honey and Cinnamon a Day For This Amazing Health Benefits

7 years ago

The health benefits of honey and cinnamon paste include its ability to promote a stronger immune and digestive system, improve the heart health, keep the bones, skin, teeth, and hair healthy, as well as stimulate weight loss.

Right now you’ve probably got two inexpensive ingredients in your kitchen, that are much more than just simple additions to your favorite recipes: honey and cinnamon.

One’s commonly touted as a sugar substitute and the other as a mere spice. Did you know that both have strong medicinal properties?

It’s possible that both of these ingredients could actually improve your health, while making meals taste even better. They’re great for diabetics, and have cancer fighting properties as well.

However, the best part is that when you pair them, they become even more effective. Take a look at this powerful duo’s effectiveness.

- Skin Treatments
- Blood sugar problems
- Bowel Issues
- Fights Allergens
- Great Antioxidants

As with any homemade remedy, make sure that if you're taking prescription medications you consult your doctor to ensure that there aren’t any unwanted interactions. When you’ve got the go-ahead, try mixing one teaspoon of honey with a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon (ceylon) in a glass of water. Drink it on an empty stomach in the morning, about a half hour before breakfast. It could help you on your weight-loss journey while helping you combat the previously mentioned ailments.



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