Simple Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

7 years ago

In a suitable environment, dermatophytes or fungi can easily spread under the nail, generating an infection, known as the mycosis or the nail—of nail fungus.

This fungus can appear on both the feet and hands and is known as onychomycosis.

Although not a serious health problem, nail fungus can weaken and break the nail.

It can also cause pain when wearing close-toed shoes and, over time you’ll notice that the nails turn yellow and ugly.

There are several over-the-counter medications that promise to treat nail fungus, but it can also be treated naturally through the use of turmeric, which has anti-fungal properties.

Turmeric has an active compound called curcumin that has medicinal properties. It combats nail fungus and can also strengthen the nails.

Belonging to the same family as ginger, turmeric is a root that’s been valued since ancient times for its nutrients and other healing properties.

With potent analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic effects, turmeric is used as the basis for many home remedies.

Because of this, turmeric helps in fighting micro-organisms that cause infection. This powerful root also reverses the effects of the fungus that weakens the nails.

Curcumin goes to the source of the nail fungus, using its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial powers to nullify the growth of yeasts and dermatophytes that bring about nail fungal infections.

The high concentration of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals in turmeric makes it a great ally in the fight against the damages that are caused by the continuous use of chemicals.

It is recommended to combine turmeric with coconut oil to improve its effectiveness in the treatment of nail fungus.

Coconut oil has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal substances that have helped stop the multiplication of yeasts, which cause nail fungus.

Coconut oil also contains essential fatty acids and antioxidants that help moisturize and nourish the cuticles to stop constant nail breakage.


3 tbsp organic coconut oil
3 tbsp turmeric powder

Method of preparation

Put the coconut oil in the pan to melt it. Add the turmeric powder and stir over low heat until creamy.
Separate to cool and store.

How to use

Apply the cream on the affected area by toenail fungus and leave it alone for a period of 30 to 40 minutes. Rinse.

Apply every day until you notice a noticeable change in nails.

Also, try to avoid wearing very tight and closed shoes. Always keep your feet dry and clean and avoid sharing personal objects such as:

Nail Files,
Nail Clippers,
Nail Polish

Remembering these simple habits will make it easier to combat and prevent the re-occurrence of nail fungus.



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