4 Ways to Ease Your Bunions Without Surgery

6 years ago

Do you suffer from bunion pain? Have you been told that surgery was your only option for relief?

It's normal for your feet to hurt when you're wearing tight shoes or high heels. Bunions, a type of callus that forms on the base of the big toe, are one of the main causes of foot pain.

A bunion is a type of bony knob that appears on your foot, due to the displacement of the metatarsus. Wearing uncomfortable shoes is the main cause of this problem, especially high heels or pointy-toed shoes. This is why women normally suffer from this problem more so than men.

Anyone with bunions should try wearing more comfortable shoes, although they might not be the prettiest. When the pain is extreme it can be taken care of through surgery, but the relief might not last.

In today's video we're going to explore 4 natural ways to treat and relieve the symptoms associated with bunions:

Bay Leaf Tea
Bay Leaf Remedy

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