7 Proven Health Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba

6 years ago

Ginkgo biloba has many health benefits. The list of other uses of ginkgo is very long.

It benefits brain function, energy as well as fights inflammation. It's often used to treat mental health conditions, Alzheimer's disease and fatigue.

Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest trees in existence, having a life span of over 1000 years.

All of its properties reside in its leaves, which have several health benefits.

Although it’s originally from China, a study has recently shown that its one of the most used supplements among europeans. Here are some of the reasons:

It fights anxiety and depression
It reduces PMS symptoms
It increases libido
It regulates blood pressure
It improves your heart’s health
It improves brain capacity
It prevents memory loss

Ginkgo biloba is available in supplement form and studies have shown that it’s most effective when 120 milligrams to 240 milligrams are consumed a day. However, several of its benefits only start to appear after 4 to 6 weeks of use.

It’s not recommended for pregnant women, people with a history of seizures, or anyone who has had surgery recently.


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