Will Make War for Food... and FREEDOM!? - Warpips

2 years ago

Warpips w/ Todoh and Crafter from Team CSTN. FFXIV will be on hiatus until the servers can finally accommodate free-players again.

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This will be the last Warpip stream in the trilogy I swear. Next week will definitely be something different, what exactly I don't know. This definitely scratches that itch for me that was previously only partially scratched by quirky features of other games... You know what? 2.5D stage-based games where it's your side versus the other kinda reminds be of LF2. That takes me back.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the stream and look forward to something else taking the Tuesday stream slot. Have a good one, guys!

- Todoh

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Oh, and if you'd like to help support small-timers like us, we'd appreciate you stopping by our Ko-fi page down there. Thanks in advance.


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