Mix These 3 Ingredients to Quickly Fade Your Stretch Marks

6 years ago

Stretch marks are scars that form whenever the elastic and collagen fibers in your skin get destroyed, normally when your skin gets stretched. These lines are formed due to the decreased thickness of the dermis and epidermis. They may itch and burn but normally don't have any other symptoms.

This condition can also affect men, but is more common in women. Even though they generally don't cause any medical complications, they aren't pretty.

They appear whenever your skin has been stretched due to weight gain, pregnancy, puberty, growth spurts, etc... Genetics may also influence the appearance of stretch marks.

In order to prevent them, it’s recommended that you maintain a healthy weight, and stay hydrated.

But what if you already have stretch marks? How can you make them fade? That's what we're going to talk about in today's video.

If you have stretch marks, try this great recipe:


2 tablespoons of sugar;
The juice of 1 lemon;
1 tablespoon of pure almond oil;
1 tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil.


Mix all the ingredients but the coconut oil in a bowl.

Once that’s done, apply the mixture to your stretch marks and massage your skin in circular movements.

Next, take a hot shower and rub the coconut oil on the area afterwards.

Due to the lemon juice, only do this treatment at night, and avoid exposure to the sun on the next day.

Another effective way to reduce the appearance of stretch marks is by taking vitamin E. Vitamin E improves stretch marks in several different ways. It protects your skin from damage, which reduces the appearance of the marks. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.


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