You Might Be Using Fake Olive Oil - Here's How To Tell

7 years ago

Most everyone has heard that Olive Oil has been given 5 Star awards from health care professionals. It contains heart-healthy fat. This is the good fat - monounsaturated – that you’ll want to include in your diet. This type of fat is proven to keep arteries healthy, at the present time and as you age.

But if you’ve seen rows of various types of Olive oil in the supermarket, you can be frustrated wondering which one to buy.
In today’s video we’ll investigate how olive oil can improve your physical and mental health. We’ll also uncover the truth about how olive oil is packaged and sold. Is it actually pure oil or has it been altered?

Olive Oil Health Benefits

1. Prevents Strokes
Research indicates that olive oil has decreased the risk of strokes due to clogged arteries by 70 percent.

2. Bone Health
Another benefit of consuming olive oil is that it combats osteoporosis. Women who are menopausal and post-menopausal are in a higher risk category of losing bone density. All women approaching menopause should begin to incorporate olive oil into their diets.

3. Prevents Diabetes
Cooking with and eating olive oil is a great diabetes deterrent. The properties of olive oil can control and maintain blood sugar levels and decrease insulin resistance. Some believe it’s more beneficial than a low-fat diet.

4. Promotes Mental Health
Olive oil has been associated with lowering the risk of depression.

Perhaps you are quite pleased with yourself because you’ve been consuming olive oil regularly. But what if it was ‘faux’ olive oil? You may be startled to learn that about 70 percent of olive oil sold is not pure. Most manufacturers mix olive oil with canola or colza oil, or a cruder version of olive oil. They may also chemically color the oil and add flavor.

1.Take the Taste Test

You don’t need to be an oil expert to know whether or not you are being conned. Anyone can conduct their own DIY tests. First, just taste it. It should be that simple, but so much fake olive oil has flooded the market that it’s often difficult even for the experts to spot. Food experts have conducted taste tests of olive oils across the spectrum and still weren’t 100 percent correct.

2. The Refrigerator Test

Place your olive oil in the fridge. If it’s pure, the monounsaturated fats will become cloudy in cold temperatures. Some may even form a solid. If after 2 hours in the cold, it hasn’t changed in texture, it’s not pure. The manufacturers are aware of this trick. So they mix just enough canola oil to sneak past the cold test. So there’s still some uncertainty.

3. The Fool-Proof Test

The problem with the first two tests is that you have to purchase them before you can conduct your experiment. So is there a way to determine if you are buying real olive oil? The best advice is to buy it from the right place. Make a trip to the local farmer’s market. Or locate a single producer of home-grown oil.

Here are some things to watch for that may indicate the olive oil isn’t pure.
1. Select dark bottles, as they keep oil from oxidizing. Clear glass and especially plastic are dead giveaways that it’s not pure.
2. Look for the approval seal from the International Olive Oil Council.
3. Avoid light olive oil.
4. Pure olive oil will be in bottles with a harvesting date seal notification.
5. Only purchase cold-pressed olive oil; fake ones add chemicals and are heated.
6. Pay attention to the price. If’s it is a bargain basement price, then it’s basically vegetable oil.

Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.


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