The HighWire - 2022-04-14 - Episode 263 - RISKING IT ALL (China's lockdowns/COVID/transhumanism,...)

2 years ago

The HighWire with Del Bigtree - 2022-04-14 - Episode 263 - RISKING IT ALL

Thousands Turn Out For Defeat The Mandates; Speaker/Emcee Reflects on Rally; Brutal Lockdowns in China; US Confused Over Covid Policy; The Pandemic of Human Trafficking; Del’s Message for Humanity

Guests: Kevin Jenkins, Lara Logan

"Total biometric surveillance.

You can find these talks all over the WEF website, all over the Soros website, all over mainstream media now even on 60 mins they had this psychopath talking about how we’re all useless humans they will feed drugs and video games to. While people like Anderson Cooper blankly stare and don’t have a single critically thinking question to ask him or challenge him on.

You can also find them talking about how they place their pawns all over the establishments in schools, medical, public office etc to influence and push this agenda.

What a time to be alive"

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Note: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent and be baptized


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