女人是什麼?這題有這麼難?|What is a woman?

2 years ago

⏰ 時間軸Timeline
0:00 開場 Opening
0:18 女人是什麼? What is a woman?
2:29 拜登準備任命大法官 Biden appoints justice
6:20 影片:大法官候選人無法回答女人的定義 Video: Justice candidate can't answer definition of woman
7:21 討論看完影片的心得 Discuss the experience of watching the video
15:38 Lia Thomas 美國變性別(男跨女)運動員NCAA 女子比賽奪冠 Lia Thomas, U.S. transgender (male-to-female) athlete wins NCAA women's champion
21:12 年度最佳女人是一位變性人?The women of the year is a transgender-women
26:10 嘻哈歌手 ZUBY 示範男人如何輕鬆打破女子舉重紀錄 Hip-hop singer ZUBY shows how a man can easily break a woman's weightlifting record

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