When Two Armies of Space Angels Love to Shoot Each Other Very Much... - Angels Fall First

2 years ago

Angels Fall First w/ Todoh and Crafter from Team CSTN. We'll always do an AFF stream every month. Stay tuned for them!

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Rather late this month, but rest assured, AFF isn't going anywhere. It occurs to me that while there's plenty of sci-fi themed games that largely bank their future on what they will be one day, I just continue to return to AFF because of what it is right now. I was shocked to find out that people were still playing EA's Battlefront II. I mean: "That was your FIRST mistake!" but then I'm hearing that earlier there was this bug where no one, and I mean NO ONE would DIE! Terrible stuff all around. I like to think that some would come to their senses after this debacle and find AFF. The good word must be spread! But anyway, have a good one guys!

- Todoh

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Oh, and if you'd like to help support small-timers like us, we'd appreciate you stopping by our Ko-fi page down there. Thanks in advance.


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