The recitation of this stotra gives victory and removes obstacles

2 years ago

#powerfulmantra #removenegativeenergy #removeobstacles #morningmantra #meditation

The recitation of this stotra gives victory and removes obstacles

Meaning of Argala is impediment, obstruction, bolt, latch etc., The stotra will clear these obstructions. At the first sight Argala Stotra seems to be praise to Goddess Durga, but if we try to understand the inner meaning, each stotra bestow us with specific benefits for happy living

Benefits of Argala Stotram :

Regular chanting of Shri Argala Stotram gives peace of mind and keeps all bad things away from your life, keeping you healthy, rich and prosperous.
Psalms help to solve all the problems in life. This hymn is beneficial for those who are suffering from money problems, loss of business, disease or any other problem.
When a devotee recites this hymn regularly, Goddess Durga is pleased and helps him to succeed in all the work he undertakes.
Argala Stotram is known for bringing wealth, health, fitness, memory, knowledge, victory, good family and other worldly pleasures.
Regular repetition of this powerful psalm removes anxiety and removes fear, sorrow, and deprivation.
To please Goddess Durga, start reciting it daily and seek her blessings for victory in whatever you do.

The word "devotion" may be familiar to you. The general purpose of devotion is to promote spiritual growth.
Most devotees have some kind of seasonal or calendar rhythm. Daily devotion is an example of this. You need to find a rhythm that will keep you steady on your spiritual journey. Devotion helps you get closer to God through study and contemplation, with mantras related to scripture and contemplation.
Pure devotional service is the only means to attract God. Faith, Dharma, Bhakti are not just words, they are a way of life for most of us that is why our Bhakti Vahini fulfills this much needed need.

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