This Is Why You Should Never Use Your Phone In The Bathroom!

6 years ago

This is a habit that many of us don’t like to admit to, but the fact is that most people end up taking their cell phone in the bathroom with them.

Cellphones replaced newspapers and magazines for those of us who liked to read while in the bathroom, and offer many other forms of entertainment as well.

You can read, play, talk to your friends, or even work, which can help keep you distracted the whole time you’re on the toilet.

But is this a healthy habit? That's what today’s video is about.

According to experts, this habit is bad for your health, mainly because it’s not very hygienic.

But whoever thinks that the problem only has to do with using your cellphone on the toilet is wrong. Charging your cell phone in the bathroom or even playing music while in the bath can be risky.

Using your phone while doing your business also increases the risk of another uncomfortable problem people avoid talking about: hemorrhoids.

If you usually take your phone to the bathroom with you, try to pay attention to the amount of time you spend there in order to avoid this issue and many others.


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