Whole Foods vs Processed Foods: Foods To Eat For Healthier Life! | Dr. Nick Z.

6 years ago

Dr. Zyrowski's Whole Food Cookbook: http://bit.ly/2kgnwcC

Processed Foods Vs Unprocessed Foods is a video that teaches on the importance of eating a whole food diet for health and wellbeing.

Processed foods to avoid are in most cases quite obvious. We go to the store and we see many isles loaded with foods that contain artificial ingredients, flavors and food coloring that are destroying the health of the general public. The unprocessed foods list that we should be eating in many cases is much shorter than the processed food that people buy for cheap and in large amounts. In this video you discover that not only is the junk food causing you to have inflammation and heath issues but also is causing you to eat more on a daily basis driving an obesity problem.

Eating unprocessed foods or in other words eating a whole food diet is crucial for overall health. When you eat whole unprocessed foods you essentially are eating nutrient rich foods that have not been altered from their original state. As a result they nourish and support healing in the body. The worst processed foods are those that contain a laundry list of ingredients that you can't even understand. When you read a label and see ingredients you can't pronounce or understand, that is the first indication that you picked up a food that you shouldn't be eating. Unprocessed foods vs processed foods is a topic that many people don't focus on but it is truly the key to true health and wellbeing. One of the quickest ways to destroy your health is through eating a highly processed, high sugar high carb diet. Once you get away from eating junk food and move towards eating healthy foods you'll decrease inflammation in the body and as a result feel better, look better and increase your overall health exponentially.

Processed food dangers involve in increase risk in cancer, heart disease, and inflammation. It goes further to disrupt brain function, cause hormone imbalance and very much disrupt whole body function. Moral of the story is that if you want true health and to consume a lesser amount of calories. Eat a whole food diet.


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