Iodine: Why Do You Need It and How to Get It?

5 years ago

Recently we talked here on the channel about the precautions that we should have with our thyroid gland, and one of these items will be the topic of our video today.

Do you know what it is?


Iodine is a very important mineral for our bodies. And according to many studies, it is the most lacking mineral in the world population since our body does not synthesize it.

The problem also occurs because it is not a mineral found in large quantities in food, except in iodized salt.

When consumed, it is absorbed in the intestinal tract and transported to the bloodstream, it is taken to the thyroid, where it is stored to produce our hormones.

In this way, it assists in the metabolic processes of the body, such as detoxification and the optimization of the use of calories, preventing the storage of excess fat.

Iodine is also important in the function of several organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, and ovaries.

Get to know its benefits:

Improves energy levels
Eliminates toxins
Strengthens the hair and skin
Strong teeth and improves skin appearance

After knowing its benefits surely, you want to know at which foods you will find iodine, don't you?

As you already get iodine in some foods, it is not always necessary to supplement it.

Excess iodine is highly harmful to health.

Do you want to know if you have an iodine deficiency?

Symptoms of iodine deficiency include problems in the production of saliva, dry mouth, skin problems, difficulty maintaining concentration, muscle ache and weakness.

If you have any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor and do some exams to find out the cause of your symptoms.



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