This Delicious Magnesium Bubble Gum Can Help You Sleep Better

5 years ago

Do you know when you try to sleep but you just can't? Stress and anxiety are always the ones to blame and can make sleeping a great trouble in your life.

It would be awesome if you could take or chew some candy that had this relaxing power, without any side effects of generic brands remedies.

Did you know this is actually possible?

The blogger Emily Benfit, author of the Sleep Solution and the blog Butter Believer, dedicated to nutrition and well-being, shares her magnesium bubble gum.

Thousands of people around the world have trouble sleeping every night. However, many people have shared natural remedies to fight insomnia and relief stress and anxiety.

We have seen some here on this channel, like teas and natural oils.

But what we're showing you today, seems to be the yummiest way to relax: magnesium bubble gum.

Magnesium is essential to our body. It provides better health and improves the functioning of our metabolism. So, the lack of this mineral is harmful to our health, causing poor circulation, irritability, arrhythmia, tiredness, cramps and muscles spasms.

It's important that you listen to your body and recognize your needs.

If you believe you suffer from lack of magnesium in your body, what about learning how to make bubble gum?

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5 tablespoons of magnesium chloride.
3 tablespoons of colourless, tasteless, gelatine powder.
1 tablespoon of honey or organic maple syrup.
1 cup of fresh lemon juice.
1 pinch of salt.


In a bowl, mix the magnesium chloride with the lemon juice and stir well.

Then, put the mixture in a small pan on medium heat and add the gelatine powder.

After the gelatine is dissolved, it's time to add honey and a pinch of salt.

Leave it on medium heat until the mixture is reduced to a quarter.

After this, pour the mixture in small ice silicon melds and let it cool for at least half an hour.

If you followed the right quantities in this recipe, you should have around 35 small bubble gums each with probably 70mg of magnesium.

It is recommended to chew one or two gums per day.

Please note that people with chronic renal insufficiency cannot consume these and, if taken excessively, magnesium can cause laxative effects.



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