How to Make a Homemade Insecticide That Works! (100% Natural)

4 years ago

At certain times of the year, bugs get really annoying. But come rain or shine, they are always around. Even though they may look harmless, insects can be responsible for many diseases, and even epidemics.

Dengue, zika, and chikungunya are some of the diseases that can be transmitted by insects. If you want to avoid them and keep your family safe, try making this homemade insecticide to help you.

We know that there are many different ways of ending bugs, and they are all easy and accessible. And you don't need to buy insecticides or chemical products to avoid bugs, as you will see with this recipe I will share with you.

Find out how to keep spiders, cockroaches, ants, flies, and mosquitoes away from your house for good:

1 plastic bottle (500 ml);
1 spray cap;
5 tablespoons of liquid detergent;
A little bit of eucalyptus oil (use the bottle lid as a measure);

Fill half of the plastic bottle with water and add the detergent and eucalyptus oil.
Fill the rest of the bottle with water. The mixture will change colors.
Put a spray cap on the bottle.

It will help you get rid of the insects in your home, and will make everything smell good while doing it.

When you notice the insecticide is almost gone, refill the bottle with water and keep using.

After you refill once, use up all the mixture and make a new one after.

You can also do these other tricks to keep insects away from you:

Incenses and candles made from plants and essential oils can be useful against bugs because of the smoke and their strong smell. Lemongrass, lemon, lavender and citric fruits are smells that keep insects like flies and mosquitoes away.

You can also make an orange candle, which we already showed you how to make. If you want to learn it, click on the suggested link.

So, did you like this recipe? Did you know this homemade insecticide? Make it and share your opinions with us.



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