[PODCAST] What’s an easy way to do evangelism? With Dr. Rice Broocks

5 years ago

About 70% of young people leave the church after they leave home, and only 3% of churches grow through evangelism. Why aren’t we sharing the world’s most important truth? One reason is that we simply don’t know how to share the truth without sounding like a religious nut. It’s awkward in our culture. But there’s an easy way to share Christ.

Dr. Rice Broocks, author of God’s Not Dead (the book that inspired the movie), joins Frank along with Addison Tweedy of ThinkEvangelism.org, to show you the SALT method of sharing the world’s most important truth.

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It’s time to be salt and light with the SALT method. There’s even an app that will help you do this. Go to the app store and download “The God Test”. You can also invite Rice, Addison, or someone from their team, to your church by going to www.ThinkEvangelism.org.

In the second half of the show, Frank answers a question about how to answer a scientist who won’t trust the Bible because she says that the Bible teaches that the earth is young.

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