Get Quick Neck Pain Relief By Massaging These Pressure Points

4 years ago

Feeling pain is an unpleasant experience, usually associated with a lesion, tension, or emotional affliction.

One of the most common complaints is neck pain.

In some cases, this pain may turn into a chronic pain, which can leave the person with movement restrictions or functional limitations, negatively affecting their life quality.

Many people turn to conventional analgesics to alleviate their pains. However, these medicines may cause dependence and serious side-effects in the long run.

But, for these cases, there is an ancient treatment technique that can be very helpful.

We are talking about acupressure. Have you ever heard about it?

Acupressure, originally from Asia, has been used for more than 5,000 years to treat pains and other imbalances of the body. It uses either fingers or personalized tools to exert a gentle, rhythmic pressure in key-points of the body, known as acupressure points.

Exerting pressure on these points, which store energy, naturally stimulates our body's auto-healing. This treatment can be used to reduce pain, boost the immune system, alleviate tensions, and promote blood circulation.

But, before we talk about how acupressure can help you, let's learn about the causes of neck pain.

These pains usually result from neck movements, or for keeping your neck in the same position for too long.

There are also other factors that can contribute to neck pain, such as:

Increased stress;
Sleeping positions;
Wry neck;
Tension caused by excessive efforts of the neck;

Learn now about the 3 acupressure points that can alleviate your neck pains.

If you have already done it, tell us your experiences in the comments below.



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